Friday, August 28, 2009

Small things can make a difference

This is the water filter that was installed in the orphanage. I wish i could give the person that kindly donated this great thing a big hug. so far I have not heard of any of the kids being sick all of the updates i have heard about have looked healthy and good. we do have one little sweet girl that was sick on our June trip but they have been giving her medicine and taking her to the doctor and her last picture she looked like she was getting better but we should all keep her in our prayers.

This shows you how little things to us are such a big blessing to our Orphanage. so I want to thank any one who has given just simple little things such as medicine,clothes,beef jerky,crackers,or anything that you thought are sweet kids would need.
"every little thing adds up and is making a difference!!"


  1. I can't wait to hear from the O what an impact the water filtration system has had on keeping the # of illnesses down . I am hoping to see them all well and ready for a fun week when we go back in October !

  2. Yes I agree, I really hope that water filter is doing the job! Thanks for keeping Avrie in your prayers! You guys are amazing!

  3. I am so thankful that they have clean water this summer for the children. We may never know the full impact of the blessing from the filter. We can't wait to see all our children in October and get a better assessment of how they all are doing(especially Avrie.) We love you guys, ~mare
