Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a doll and full of life

Sweet Nerlande, she is so sweet but also very full of spirit. she was alot more comfortable around us and her personality came out she loved playing dolls and she could not wait to go get in the swimming pool everyday.she really loved jumping in, on our last trip she wanted nothing to do with the pool.On our last night we where getting ready for bed and she was so funny she kept pulling up her pajama bottoms as high as they could go and just laugh and laugh then she wanted me to take her picture and show her then she really laughed. she is so funny and sweet.  We love you Nerlande!! Love Mom&Dad&Family

Saturday, June 13, 2009

On our way to Haiti!!

Our bags are packed and in a few hours we will be in Florida then on to Haiti!! We are so excited. but we will miss our kids that are staying home with Grandma and Grandpa and Eli. we hope you have fun at football camp bubba I can not wait to hear all the fun and great things! We hope you have fun Payton helping Grandma and Carrie and Eli buying fun pink stuff for the Baby. we will call you guys a lot.Love ya Mom and Dad

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wow Thanks for the Donation!!

We where given the kindest donation from one of our Employees. He brought in some change that his kids had been saving up for their yearly Disney trip. They save change so they have spending money while they are in Disneyland. so they gave a very Kind donation of $67.00. I can not tell you how impressed I was. I can not wait to give your donation to our escorts that help us on our trip, this will help our kids at the orphanage get food or medicine or any needs that they have. Thank you so much.
We also found out today that Dave's sister is Having a girl!! so Congratulations Clark and Carrie. Its been a long time for the family since we have had a girl. I can not wait for Yonelson and nerlande to meet her she will Probably be close to 2 when they get home. but we can pray it will be sooner then that.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Kolbie!!

Today my oldest son turned 14 wow I can not believe how fast you grew up. when you first where born I thought you would never quite crying now you just keep growing taller and are looking so old. but you are such a great young man with a great personality and you never go against what you know to be the right choices. Me and Dad are so proud to call you are son.we hope you have a great birthday!! we love you ...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Next Sunday!!

This coming Sunday we will be in Haiti!! I can not wait to hug both of you. This is the final week to make sure we have everything packed for you guys. this is the final week to make sure I have everything ready for Grandma to take care of Payton and Kaleb. so I have plenty to keep me busy so before I know it Friday night will be here so I can try to sleep and wake up and head to the Airport and start making the flights to get to Haiti. so see you guys real soon. 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A big day for dave!

Today is a big day for Dave. He is giving a lecture at BYU.i wanted to let my Honey know how proud we are of you and we hope it all goes well. you are truly blessed with words so we know you will do great. I am so blessed to have you as my husband and my best friend. you are the best Dad in the world you are all ways there for our know exactly what to say to them. we are so proud of the company you have made and to see all the good that you and your partners do for the world.Its amazing the journey that has led us here and I would not change a single thing we have gone through to get here.I know that we where led here and I can not see where else it leads us to. we love you so much.Have a awesome day!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Nerlange is looking cute and as mischievous as ever.

Yonelson has gained some weight and is looking a lot better. :) Still not smiling but we will work on that. we also found out our file is at IBESER. so one step out of lot's and lot's. we can not wait to see them next weekend!! what a good way to start out summer.


 Inflammatory bowel disease is on the rise in North America. Some experts believe improved sanitation and hygiene may play a role, that theory is leading some patients to get down and dirty with a parasite. More and more adults are trying worms--not as a dare--but as treatment for life threatening diseases.

Musician Scott Richards hit rock bottom with an inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn's; a disease that causes intestines to swell and empty frequently. "It's serious pain, excruciating pain," he said. Debora was also diagnosed with Crohn's. She said, "You'd go to the bathroom, and the toilet would be filled with blood, and the pain would be so severe that I'd just be sobbing."

He says Crohn's is a destructive immune disorder. He explained, "Your body's immune system is over-reactive or hyper-reactive to things in the environment--most importantly to bacteria that are in your bowel--and you have a reaction that ultimately damages the bowel."

There's no cure for Crohn's. Medications can keep things at bay, but can have serious side effects or even stop working.

Debora said, "You get to the point that there's nothing to do to help you. There's no medicine left that works, and all you have to do is suffer, every day and night for years straight."

Scott and Debora felt hopeless until hookworms came into their lives. The parasite is common in undeveloped countries' places where inflammatory bowel disease is rare. In the U.S., thanks to advances in sanitation, hookworms are rare but immune disorders on the rise. Is there a connection?

Terdiman said, "As we have made things more hygienic, we may in fact be precipitating an outbreak or an increase in the frequency of these immune disorders."

Studies suggest the presence of hookworms in the human gut may be beneficial, secreting a chemical that turns off an overactive immune response to fight their disease.

Scott and Debora signed up to get infected with the parasites.

So one good thing our kids are able to get this parasite for no cost that some americans are paying alot of money for.

It is now June!!! only 12 more days We can not wait to see our kids and all of you guys real soon!!