Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thank's for the support!!

Sometimes I feel so blessed at the family I have been married into, you guys are truly amazing and such a blessing. you have supported us in each of our choices and decisions we have made. you are always there with your support. During this adoption process you are right there asking what you can do or buy for are trips so our kids in Haiti will have what we think they may need.

Family is such a big and great blessing in this life, we definitely have had our trials this year and some have been unbelievably tough but one thing that was there and will hopefully never change is the support of the family.

Sometimes we have trials that we don't understand but turn into blessings once we are through the deep valley and are finally at the top of the mountain looking out at the beautiful sky we can say that through it all we had our families love and support.
So Thank you Aitken clan!!! we love you guys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you guys have such great extended family. They are such a blessing and help strengthen us in so many ways. :) Great big hug ~Mare
