Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thank you to all our generous employees

I want thank all of our great employees that have brought in ton's of great stuff for our garage sale it has filled half of our garage. we are going to keep collecting stuff until the 21st of may. hopefully we will make some good money next Saturday at the E center. Plus I would like to thank those that end up getting soaked every afternoon for the soak a supervisor so we can keep filling up the change jar. I know it's not that fun but it is for a good cause!! we are going to keep collecting change until 12th of June. so thank you ,you guys are the best employees.
Plus thank you to our kids for helping us make the signs to put up around the building your brother and sister will appreciate all that you have done to help their orphanage and their friends they have there. your the best!


  1. What great ideas :) I love all the signs ! Give a big thanks from us to all your employees >

  2. Looks great! Good luck with the garage sale next weekend hopefully you will have beautiful weather and a lot of people buying your stuff!

  3. Oh, that is sooo great!!! What a blassing to work with such wonderful people! The soak a supervisor sounds fun ;0) Thank you everyone for all of your help! ~ Looking forward to Saturday (27 more days until we see our babies again!!!)
